Thanks, Jen. I Needed That.

Well, Jennifer Blanchard kicked my butt.


In her blog post, The Truth About Being A Pro Writer, Jennifer explains how she couldn’t come up with her daily blog topic. (I can’t see how she does it daily myself. I’m still having trouble coming up with things).

Jennifer explains how it’s persistence that makes the difference. Even if everything we write for that day turns out to be crap, at least we’re being consistent and disciplined to writing daily.

I can attest to the fact that the longer you stay away from your work, the harder it is to get back to doing it. But, there are times, like the past few months, that life throws a fastball and we strike out. Hey. That’s life.

I already knew all of this. Jennifer wasn’t telling me something that I didn’t know. But, her blunt, kick in the butt with reality, was something I definitely needed.

Now, back to work.




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